Wireless private network
15G Broadband Can Handle (Far) More Connections?
If you’ve ever tried accessing the internet at a major sporting or music event, you may have noticed heavily degraded performance – not just in terms of speed, but even just making a connection. A 5G broadband network can provide up to a million connections per square kilometer. While densities of one million people per square kilometre are certainly very rare, something that needs to be considered is the Internet Of Things (IoT), whereby all sorts of devices will be (and are already) connecting to the internet. An Australian fixed wireless internet household of today may just have a few concurrent connections – for example, the family computer and family members’ tablets and phones. In the years ahead this could grow to dozens or hundreds connections as home appliances and personal devices increasingly become web-enabled. For businesses, it could be even more – and this is where 5G connectivity will really makes its mark.
2What is Importance of 5G Backup for Business Internet?

A 5G connection is ideal for businesses with temporary use cases. This includes retail outlets and branch locations that need a temporary internet connection until dedicated access is installed. Since 5G is a wireless solution, installation is quick and easy. You don’t need to wait for days to install your own network. Indeed, 5G allows for a new level of flexibility to help you get your business online faster and more efficiently than ever before.

3Network Availability?

Wired failover solutions don’t always ensure the uninterrupted network availability that businesses need. Mostly, network cables enter the premises via the same trench when installing the fixed lines. And when accidents occur, they might interrupt the primary and secondary connections. Such occurrences can cause unprecedented network outages, and the business will incur losses. That can be worse if the enterprise applications require 100% internet uptime.

Thankfully, the 5G network offers a less invasive and high-performance wireless option to ensure continuity of operations when internet failure occurs. It is a secondary internet source that can’t be affected by physical interruptions.

4Network Reliability?

Businesses have a lot of different needs, but one of the most important is network reliability.

5G network delivers the most reliable and consistent connection possible. With 5G backup internet, your business can be sure that your customers won’t have to deal with signal drops or data congestion.

With 5G, you can rest assured that you’ll have a strong network connection no matter the location of your employees and customers. Also, the enhanced reliability provided by 5G means you don’t have to worry about dropped calls or canceled transitions.

5Does 5G Replace Fiber?

When it comes to mobile connectivity, 5G is the only option that can work at par with fiber. It offers high data speeds, great capacity, and lower latency than 4G LTE. However, 5G doesn’t replace fiber by any means.

Instead, 5G compliments fiber by enhancing mobility. It makes it more convenient for enterprises to stay connected when there are interruptions in fiber connections. 5G  is the best wireless option for businesses that need high-capacity connections and low latency for internet failover.

But fiber remains essential for connecting the world and businesses. It should be your primary internet option if you want to ensure enough optimal capacity and application performance for your enterprise.